PROJECT: Cooking Papa


CookingPapa acts is an application targeted towards university students that want to learn how to cook by themselves. Users will interact with the application with a CLI, integrated with a GUI created with JavaFX. It acts as storage for recipes, keeps track of an inventory of your current ingredients and also has a shopping list to remind users what to buy on their next trip to the supermarket.

Summary of contributions

  • Major enhancement: Cart move to inventory

    • What it does: With one command, the user is able to migrate all the ingredients from the cart to the inventory. From there, the inventory will be updated with the added ingredients and the cart will be empty.

    • Justification: This enhancement will allow the user to skip the need to update their own inventory after their shopping trip. Instead of having to keep track what ingredients they have to add from cart to the inventory and eventually delete everything in the cart, this command will do it all in one line.

    • Highlights: This command will be frequently used, since cart serves as a convenient shopping list for our users. After shopping, it is common to update your inventory of ingredients and this feature can accomplish this need easily.

    • Credits: Ingredient checks and tests are a group effort. The whole team contributed in allowing the Ingredient class to be built well, which is a key part of our project.

  • Minor enhancement: Adding an ingredient to the cart

    • What it does: Allows the user to add an ingredient with a specified quantity into the cart. If the ingredient name already exists, it adds on to the quantity of the ingredient in the cart (Provided that the unit given in the quantity is the same).

    • Justification: This feature allows the user to add ingredients to the cart so that they can be reminded of what to but at their next trip to the supermarket.

    • Highlights: This enhancement allows users to choose the number of ingredients they would actually need to complete their recipe. For example. if the recipe calls for 3 eggs while the user only has 1 in their inventory, they can simply add 2 more manually into the cart.

    • Credits: Ingredient checks and tests are a group effort. The whole team contributed in allowing the Ingredient class to be built well, which is a key part of our project.

  • Code contributed: tzihiang’s contribution to CookingPapa on Github

  • Other contributions:

    • Project management:

      • Kept track of deadlines to meet for the team

      • Brainstormed together with team the application, what it does and its main features.

    • Enhancements to existing features:

      • Added to several test cases for added features: #215

    • Documentation:

      • Added on to the UG and created a summary table for all commands: #221

      • Added on to the DG, with updated UML tables: #227

    • Community:

      • Reviewed PRs before merging

      • Asked questions and answered questions regarding project with team mates.

      • Contributed to bug reports during PE Dry Run using CATcher.

Contributions to the User Guide

Given below are sections I contributed to the User Guide. They showcase my ability to write documentation targeting end-users.

Contributions to the User Guide

Cart Commands (by Tay Zi Hiang Willis)

Cart commands are commands that allow you to easily add ingredients needed for a recipe into a shopping cart. This provides convenience for your grocery shopping needs.

Add ingredients in a recipe to the cart

This command allows you to add all the ingredients in a recipe to the cart.

  • Format: cart add recipe INDEX

  • Example:

Command Result

cart add recipe 1

Adds all the ingredients required of recipe 1 to the cart.

Add ingredients to the cart

This command allows you to add ingredients to the cart.

  • Format: cart add ingredient i/INGREDIENT q/QUANTITY

  • Example:

Command Result

cart add ingredient i/Eggs q/5

Adds 5 eggs to the cart.

Remove ingredients from the cart

This command allows you to remove ingredients from the cart. You can indicate the quantity you want to remove for an ingredient, which should not be greater that than the ingredient’s quantity. Please ensure that the unit of the quantity matches the ingredient’s unit in the cart.

Note: If you do not indicate any quantity, all entries in the cart that have the specified ingredient name will be removed regardless of the unit.

  • Format: cart remove ingredient i/INGREDIENT [q/QUANTITY]

  • Example:



cart remove ingredient i/Eggs

Removes all eggs from the cart

cart remove ingredient i/Milk q/200ml

Removes 200ml of milk from the cart. (If your cart had 500 ml of milk, it will be subtracted and updated to 300 ml of milk)

Clear all the items in the cart

This command allows you to clear all the items in the cart. It can be used to discard an unwanted cart, or to clear the cart after completing the purchase.

  • Format: cart clear

  • Example:

Command Result

cart clear

Clears the cart of all items.

Move all ingredients currently in the cart to inventory

This command allows you to move all the ingredients from the cart into your inventory. This command also empties your cart. This is helpful after the user has finished shopping and wish to conveniently move all the ingredients to the inventory.

  • Format: cart move

  • Example:

Command Result

cart move

Moves all ingredients from the cart into the inventory. Also clears the cart of all items.

Export ingredients in cart to PDF file

This command allows you to export all the ingredients in the cart to a PDF file. The PDF file will be located in the same folder as Cooking Papa.

Note: if a previous version of the PDF file, cart.pdf is open in another program (Internet browser, Adobe PDF), Cooking Papa will not be able to export the cart.

  • Format: cart export



cart export


The exported PDF file will be in the same folder where Cooking Papa is located.


An example of the PDF file exported from the sample cart in Cooking Papa.

Command Summary (by Tay Zi Hiang Willis)

Category Addtional Parameters Result


view recipe INDEX

Shows recipe at given INDEX.

add recipe n/NAME d/DESCRIPTION

Adds a new empty recipe with the given NAME and DESCRIPTION.


Adds a new recipe with the given NAME and DESCRIPTION. INGREDIENT and its QUANTITY, STEP, and TAG are optional parameters and will be added according to input from user.

remove recipe INDEX

Remove recipe at given INDEX.

search recipe k/KEYWORD

Search for recipes by a keyword.

search recipe t/TAG

Search for recipes by tags.

search inventory

Search for recipes whose ingredients are available in the inventory.


Views the whole collection of recipes in the cookbook.



Add ingredients to a recipe at given INDEX.

INDEX remove ingredient i/INGREDIENT q/QUANTITY

Removes the ingredient and the specified quantity from recipe at given INDEX.


Adds a step at STEP_INDEX with STEP_DESCRIPTION to the recipe at given INDEX.

INDEX remove step x/STEP_INDEX

Remove a step at STEP_INDEX from the recipe at given INDEX.

INDEX add tag t/TAG

Adds a tag 'TAG' to the recipe at given INDEX.

INDEX remove tag t/TAG

Removes a tag 'TAG' to the recipe at given INDEX.


add ingredient i/INGREDIENT q/QUANTITY

Adds QUANTITY of INGREDIENTS into your inventory.

remove ingredient i/INGREDIENT q/QUANTITY

Removes QUANTITY of INGREDIENTS from your inventory.


Removes all ingredients from the inventory.

cook recipe INDEX

Removes the ingredients and its' corresponding quantities of recipe INDEX from the inventory.


add recipe INDEX

Adds all ingredients required of recipe at given INDEX to the cart.

add ingredient i/INGREDIENT q/QUANTITY

Adds QUANTITY of INGREDIENTS into your cart.

remove ingredient i/INGREDIENT q/QUANTITY

Removes QUANTITY of INGREDIENTS from your cart.


Clears the cart of all ingredients.


Moves all the ingredients from the cart to the inventory, clearing the cart in the process.


Exports current cart into a PDF.

Contributions to the Developer Guide

Given below are sections I contributed to the Developer Guide. They showcase my ability to write technical documentation and the technical depth of my contributions to the project.

Adding ingredients to inventory and cart

The inventory and cart acts as storage for Ingredient classes. They are facilitated by InventoryCommand and CartCommand respectively, which extends the Command abstract class. Since CartAddCommand and InventoryAddCommand both serve the same purpose in different contexts of Cart and Inventory respectively, they will be mentioned together in tandem.

This command was implemented to allow the user know to add an ingredient to the cart or inventory respectively. An ingredient only has two main components - its name and quantity. We allow the user to use their own measurement up to their own preferences and do not force any fixed unit of measurement. Although similar, Cart and Ingredients differ in certain functions from a user’s point of view. For a user to immediately sort where they wish to sort the ingredient they are adding, Cart and


Below is a step-by-step sequence of what happens when the command cart add ingredient i/INGREDIENT_NAME q/INGREDIENT_QUANTITY is added.

  1. The user adds a ingredient to the cart by entering the command cart add ingredient i/INGREDIENT_NAME q/INGREDIENT_QUANTITY in the command line input.

  2. CartAddCommandParser parsers the input to check and verify that the input provided for i/INGREDIENT_NAME amd q/INGREDIENT_QUANTITY are correct. Otherwise a ParseException will be thrown.

  3. The fields are then passed to CartAddIngredientCommand as an Ingredient object and is returned to LogicManager.

  4. LogicManager calls CartAddIngredientCommand#execute() and checks if the Ingredient object given has the same INGREDIENT_NAME and INGREDIENT_QUANTITY unit. If that Ingredient exists, it will simply add on to the quantity of that ingredient. Otherwise, a new instance of that Ingredient will be added to the Cart.

  5. If CommandException is not thrown, Model#addCartIngredient will be executed, with the given Ingredient as the parameter

  6. Model#addCartIngredient then executes, adding the Ingredient to the local cart storage and updates with Model#updateFilteredCartIngredientList().

  7. A CommandResult with the successful text message is returned to LogicManager and will be displayed to the user via the GUI to feedback to the user that the Ingredient has been successfully added.

The above implementation is the same for Inventory with the command inventory add ingredient i/INGREDIENT_NAME q/INGREDIENT_QUANTITY

The following sequence diagram shows how the function of adding ingredients to cart work (full command omitted for brevity):

Figure 1. Sequence diagram for CartAddIngredientCommand

Design Considerations

Aspect: The need for many parsers for this command
Table 1. Design considerations for the need for many parsers for this command
Design A (Current choice): Create parsers for every individual action Design B: Create parsers for each specific action


The command will go through the parsers in the following order: CookingPapaParserCartCommandParserCartAddCommandParserCartAddIngredientParser before finally returning CartAddIngredientCommand. We eventually went with this as we wanted the add functionality to be expanded, namely to be able to add all the ingredients of cookbook recipes into the cart.

CartAddCommand will not be created to facilitate CartAddIngredientCommand and CartAddRecipeIngredientCommand.


More organised and can do more with cart add as the prefix.

The classes can be more specific and atomic in their actions.


Many parser classes to make and keep track of.

Might lead to disorganisation during troubleshooting with so many classes to keep track.

Moving ingredients from cart to inventory

The user may use this command after their shopping trip. With this one command, all ingredients will be shifted from the cart to the inventory.

This command is implemented to ease the process of having the user adding every single ingredient to their inventory after they have bought ingredients from their cart and eventually deleting the cart after that tedious process. These gives a convenience to users that frequently use our application and we forsee that such an action will be used very often by these users. As this command only performs an atomic action, no extra arguments are needed to further supplement the use of this command.


This command is facilitated by CartMoveCommand, which extends the Command class. The format of the command is as follows: cart move.

Below is a step by step sequence of what happens when the user executes this command.

  1. The user enters the command cart move in to the command line input.

  2. CartMoveCommandParser then ensures that the user does not enter any other commands after cart clear.

  3. CartMoveCommandParser then returns a CartMoveCommand and returns it to LogicManager

  4. LogicManager calls CartMoveCommand#execute(). If there are other commands after cart clear, a CommandException will be thrown.

  5. If CommandException is not thrown, Model#cartMoveIngredients() will be executed.

  6. Model#cartMoveIngredients() will move every ingredient from the cart and add it into the inventory

  7. A CommandResult with the success message text will be returned to LogicManager, which will then be passed to MainWindow and will then feedback to the user.

The following sequence diagram shows how this function works (full command omitted for brevity):

Figure 2. Sequence Diagram for CartMoveCommand

Design considerations

Aspect: Allowing users to move some or all ingredients from cart to inventory
Table 2. Design considerations for allowing users to move some or all ingredients from cart to inventory
Design A (Current choice): Move all ingredients Design B: Allow users to move individually or exclude some ingredients when moving


There was a consideration to allow the user to move the ingredients by individual ingredients. Eventually the options was not given as we know that typical users will want to move all the ingredients except for individual ingredients.

The use cases of such an action happening is very little and the user can simply manually remove the few ingredients they do not wish to add to the inventory after using the cart move command. The user can also manually add back the ingredients to the cart after it is cleared if they wish to.


Straightforward to implement

Lesser implementations, more time to focus on other parts of the project


Lesser functionality to users that really want to only move certain ingredients

Poorer user experience for users that do not want to move all ingredients from the cart to inventory on a regular basis,